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Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)


The fund will be exposed to companies that are seeking to financially benefit from the carbon transition, that is, the transition away from fossil fuel-derived energy and goods production and consumption. This may include, but is not limited to, investments in areas such as energy production and transmission; energy storage; energy efficiency; transport; Scope 1, 2 and 31 emissions reduction; the circular economy2; food production; hydrocarbon substitutes; and materials, components and infrastructure used to enable the carbon transition.
Warning: PGTX may have investments in companies that currently have material fossil fuels businesses.

Fund assets A$13.8m^ As at 30 Jun 2024

Inception date 01 Jul 2022

Return 5.9% p.a.* Compound since inception

iNAV A$1.1035 Intra-day iNAV per unit# As at 26 Jul 2024 4:14pm

Investment Objective


Investment Objective

The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long term by investing in undervalued companies from around the world that are seeking to financially benefit from the transition away from fossil fuel-derived energy and goods production and consumption i.e. the carbon transition.

Investment Strategy

The PGTX portfolio will ideally consist of 25-60 securities that Platinum believes to be undervalued by the market. Cash may be held when undervalued securities cannot be found and Platinum may short sell securities that it considers overvalued.

The key investment guidelines for PGTX are summarised below. For further details, please refer to the latest Product Disclosure Statement.

*Source: Platinum. The return is calculated using the net asset value per unit of the fund. It is net of accrued fees and costs, pre-tax, and assumes the reinvestment of distributions. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
#The indicative net asset value (iNAV) per unit is calculated and updated throughout the ASX trading day, having regard to the underlying fund’s portfolio holdings and foreign exchange movements. The actual price at which units in the fund are traded on the ASX AQUA market may not reflect either the NAV per unit or the iNAV per unit. Refer to the fund's Product Disclosure Statement for further details on iNAV.


Latest Fund Information

Quarterly Investment Manager's Report

June 2024

Monthly Investment Update

June 2024

Distribution & Tax Statement

June 2024

Financial Statements

December 2023


ASX Announcements

ASX Announcements

08 Jul 2024 Payment Notice for PGTX
04 Jul 2024 Monthly redemptions and units on issue June 2024
01 Jul 2024 PGTX Month-end notional value of derivatives
27 Jun 2024 Distribution for the financial year ended 30 June 2024
26 Jun 2024 PGTX ASX in-principle advice - revocation from trading
07 Jun 2024 Monthly redemptions and units on issue May 2024
07 Jun 2024 PGTX Notice of Termination, SPDS and TMD
03 Jun 2024 PGTX Month-end notional value of derivatives
31 May 2024 Quarterly Portfolio Disclosure 31 March 2024
06 May 2024 Monthly redemptions and units on issue April 2024
01 May 2024 Month-end notional value of derivatives
04 Apr 2024 Monthly redemptions and units on issue March 2024
04 Apr 2024 PGTX Month-end notional value of derivatives
19 Mar 2024 PGTX - Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement
06 Mar 2024 Monthly redemptions and units on issue February 2024
29 Feb 2024 Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Dec 2023
26 Feb 2024 2024 Interim Financial Report
16 Feb 2024 Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination
06 Feb 2024 Monthly redemptions and units on issue January 2024
05 Jan 2024 Monthly redemptions and net units on issue December 2023
06 Dec 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue November 2023
30 Nov 2023 Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Sep 2023
06 Nov 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue October 2023
05 Oct 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue September 2023
06 Sep 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue August 2023
31 Aug 2023 Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Jun 2023
30 Aug 2023 PGTX 2023 Annual Report
04 Aug 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue July 2023
06 Jul 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue June 2023
29 Jun 2023 Distribution for the financial year ended 30 June 2023
06 Jun 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue May 2023
31 May 2023 Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Mar 2023
04 May 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue April 2023
06 Apr 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue March 2023
06 Mar 2023 Monthly redemptions and units on issue February 2023
28 Feb 2023 Disclosure of Portfolio Holdings Dec 2022
15 Feb 2023 Product Disclosure Statement
15 Feb 2023 Admission and Commencement of Trading


1m 3m 6m 1yr 2yr p.a. 3yr p.a. 5yr p.a. 10yr p.a. Since inception p.a. Inception date Portfolio value A$mil
Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) (PGTX) -4.37 -1.85 5.89 4.81 - - - - 5.89 01 Jul 2022 13.80

As at 30 June 2024.

Source: Platinum for fund returns and Rimes Technologies Inc. for index returns. Fund returns are net of accrued fees and costs, pre-tax, and assume the reinvestment of distributions. Returns in the line graph are cumulative assuming an initial investment of $10,000. All "p.a." returns are annualised. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Platinum does not invest by reference to the weightings of the index and the fund’s holdings may vary considerably to the make-up of the index. The index is provided as a reference only. All data where MSCI is referenced is the property of MSCI Inc. No use or distribution of this data is permitted without the written consent of MSCI Inc. The data is provided “as is” without any warranties by MSCI Inc. MSCI Inc. assumes no liability for or in connection with this data. See Terms and Conditions for full MSCI disclaimer.


Fund Facts


Subscribe to receive Active ETMF updates by email

Name Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)
ASX Ticker Code PGTX
Legal Structure An open-ended managed fund quoted on the ASX AQUA market
Distribution Annually at 30 June
Management Costs 1.00% p.a. of NAV, plus
15% of the amount by which the Fund’s return exceeds a return of 6% p.a
For more information about fees and costs: Download Fees & Costs
Buy/Sell Spread 0.10% / 0.10% of NAV unit price
Unit Registry Contact Link Market Services
T: +61 1300 554 474
E: [email protected]
Offer Document Download Product Disclosure Statement or request a free hard copy
Continuous Disclosure Download Continuous Disclosure

Ready to Invest with Platinum?

Are you looking to access the managed fund version of PGTX?

If you are interested in Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) via our Managed Fund option click the button below to see the Managed Fund page.


The Team Behind Your Investments

Clay Smolinski

Co-Chief Investment Officer and Co-Portfolio Manager – Global strategies

View profile



PGTX primarily invests in listed equity securities that are seeking to financial benefit from the carbon transition, that is, the transition away from fossil fuel-derived energy and goods production and consumption.
The Monthly Update for the Fund can be found under the “Updates and Reports” section on the PGTX product page and provides details of the invested position, top ten stock positions and industry breakdown. The ASX also requires Platinum to disclose the portfolio holdings for PGTX each quarter (with a time-lag of two months) which can be found on the PGTX page under ASX Announcements.
Units in active ETMFs (including active ETMFs) trade, clear and settle in the same way as do shares in ASX-listed companies, and therefore can be accessed through any broker (including online broking platforms) without the need for lengthy paperwork.
Active ETMFs give investors the advantage of knowing the fund’s intra-day indicative NAV (“iNAV”) per unit before placing a trade. The iNAV provides an intra-day indicative value of the Fund based on the value of the underlying holdings within the Fund and taking account of investor supply and demand, as well as current market conditions. The actual net asset values (NAV) per unit are calculated and published each Business Day under normal market conditions. Both the iNAV and NAV per unit are published on our website
The actual price at which units are traded on the ASX AQUA market may not reflect either the NAV or the iNAV per unit of the Fund.
For all fund related enquiries, please contact Platinum's Investor Services Team.
For enquiries about your holdings in PGTX, please contact the registry, Link Market Services Limited on +61 1300 306 413 or via [email protected].
Link Market Services can provide assistance with the following:
  • Updating the name or address on the holding
  • Providing bank account details DRP, email address or TFN instructions
  • A request for forms to be emailed or posted
  • Transaction histories (as at settlement date)
  • Off market transfers & holding merge queries
  • Guidance and assistance with the online Link Investor Centre
  • Guidance and assistance completing & submitting Link forms
  • Statement replacements
  • Payment replacements
The Fund normally distributes to investors annually at 30 June (although we do have the discretion to change the frequency and to pay additional distributions out of income or capital).
Australian or New Zealand investors may elect for their entitlement to be reinvest or paid to a nominated bank account.
Details of the Distribution Reinvestment Plan can be found on our website
PGTX is accessibly by two means: investors can enter the Fund either by buying units on the ASX or by applying for units directly through the Unit Registry using an Application Form.
PAXX and PIXX can only be accessed by buying units on the ASX.

1Scope 1 covers GHG emissions released to the atmosphere as a direct result of an activity or series of activities such as through manufacturing processes or production of electricity by burning coal. Scope 2 are the emissions released to the atmosphere from the indirect consumption of an energy commodity such as the use of electricity produced by the burning of coal in another facility. Scope 3 includes all GHG emissions that can occur as a consequence of an organisation’s activities (excluding Scope 2 emissions), but from sources not owned or controlled by the organisation. Examples include extraction and production of purchased materials, transportation of purchased fuels and use of sold products and services. Source: Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator.
2The circular economy is a systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution.
#iNAV calculations as shown on (the “data”) are provided by ICE Data Indices, see ICE Terms of Use, and are updated during ASX trading hours. Powered by Factset. iNAV is indicative and for reference purposes only. The fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or marketed by ICE Data Indices, LLC, its affiliates (“ICE Data”) and ICE Data or its respective third party suppliers MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE iNAV, IOPV, FUND OR ANY FUND DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. IN NO EVENT SHALL ICE DATA HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS), EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You acknowledge that the data is provided for information only and should not be relied upon for any purpose.

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