Platinum Asia Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)
6.9% p.a.*
since 12 Sep 2017
Delivering strong absolute returns since inception
A carefully curated, diversified portfolio of Asian companies
Multiple channels of access (Active ETFs, managed fund, and LIC)
*Platinum Asia Fund: fund returns are annualised, are calculated using the net asset value per unit (which does not include the buy/sell spread) of C Class of the fund, and represent the combined income and capital returns of C Class over the period from its inception date (4 March 2003) to 31 January 2025. Returns are net of accrued fees and costs, are pre-tax, and assume the reinvestment of distributions.
Platinum Asia Investments Limited (PAI): investment returns are annualised, are calculated using PAI's pre-tax net tangible asset (NTA) backing per share (as released to the ASX), and represent PAI's combined income and capital returns over the period from PAI's portfolio inception date (15 September 2015) to 31 January 2025. Returns are net of accrued fees and costs, and assume the reinvestment of dividends. Note that PAI's performance is not calculated based on its share price.
Platinum Asia Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) (PAXX): fund returns are annualised, are calculated using the fund's net asset value per unit (which does not include the buy/sell spread), and represent the fund's combined income and capital returns over the period from then fund's inception date (12 September 2017) to 31 January 2025. Returns are net of accrued fees and costs, are pre-tax, and assume the reinvestment of distributions.
The investment returns shown are historical and no warranty can be given for future performance. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Source: Platinum Investment Management Limited.