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Global Strategies


Invest in a Truly Diversified Portfolio

The investing world is getting bigger every day and that offers Australian investors incredible choice. The chance to capture returns from global leaders and revolutionary innovators. To profit from disrupting industries like AI, from the growth potential of emerging markets, and by owning extraordinary companies hidden in markets we don’t often think about.

Platinum is a global investment specialist. For 30 years we’ve been building global share portfolios from the ground up, unconstrained by arbitrary limitations based on indices, geography and sector.


Why Choose a Global Strategy to Invest?

Why Choose a Global Strategy to Invest?

Proven Track Record

Delivering strong absolute returns since inception

Why Choose a Global Strategy to Invest?


Actively managed, diversified currency exposure

Why Choose a Global Strategy to Invest?


Available in both long/short and long-only strategies

Ready to Invest with Platinum?

Platinum offers a wide range of global, sector and regional products.  Each of these can be accessed in a way that suits each individual investor be that active ETFs, managed funds and listed investment companies.

*Fund returns are annualised, are calculated using the net asset value per unit (which does not include the buy/sell spread) of the fund (of C Class, in the case of the Platinum International Fund and the Platinum Unhedged Fund), and represent the combined income and capital returns of the fund (of C Class, in the case of the Platinum International Fund and the Platinum Unhedged Fund) over the period from the specified inception date to 31 May 2024. Returns are net of accrued fees and costs, are pre-tax, and assume the reinvestment of distributions.
In the case of Platinum Capital Limited (PMC), investment returns are annualised, are calculated using PMC's pre-tax net tangible asset (NTA) backing per share (as released to the ASX), and represent PMC's combined income and capital returns over the period from PMC's portfolio inception date (as specified) to 31 May 2024. Returns are net of accrued fees and costs, and assume the reinvestment of dividends. Note that PMC's performance is not calculated based on its share price.The investment returns shown are historical and no warranty can be given for future performance. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Source: Platinum Investment Management Limited.

From 'The Journal'

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