Platinum International Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) (ASX code: PIXX)
Platinum Asia Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) (ASX code: PAXX)
How do I make an investment in the Fund?
Investors can invest in the Fund by buying Units on the ASX (ASX codes: PIXX and PAXX) via their broker.
An application form is not required to be completed by Investors and they will settle the purchase of their Units in the same way they would settle purchases of listed securities via the ASX CHESS settlement service.
How do I sell my investment?
Investors can sell Units on the ASX via their broker. You must hold your Units on the CHESS sub-register (so that you have a HIN). A withdrawal request is not required to sell Units on the ASX and Investors will receive the proceeds from the sale of their Units in the same way they would receive proceeds from the sale of listed securities via the ASX CHESS settlement service.
Changing your details - To amend your details you can either inform your broker, or you can contact the Registry directly.
Account details that can be instructed via your broker are:
- postal address;
- change of name;
- correspondence method;
- email address; and
- bank account.
Account details that can be instructed via the Registry are:
- correspondence method;
- email address;
- bank account; and
- distribution election.
To amend your details via the Registry and access information about your investment in the Fund, log onto the Registry’s website at
Information available on the website includes:
- your holdings balance;
- your transaction history;
- payments and tax information; and
- communications details.
Platinum Capital Limited (ASX: PMC)
Platinum Asia Investments Limited (ASX: PAI)
How do I make an investment in the Company?
Investors can invest in the Company's by buying shares on the ASX (ASX code: PMC, PAI) via their broker.
How do I sell my investment?
Investors can sell shares on the ASX via their broker. You must hold your shares on the CHESS sub-register (so that you have a HIN). A withdrawal request is not required to sell shares on the ASX and Investors will receive the proceeds from the sale via the ASX CHESS settlement service.
Changing your details - To amend your details you can either inform your broker, or you can contact the Registry directly.
Account details that can be instructed via your broker are:
- postal address;
- change of name;
- correspondence method;
- email address; and
- bank account.
Account details that can be instructed via the Registry are:
- correspondence method;
- email address;
- bank account; and
- distribution election.
To amend your details via the Registry and access information about your investment in the Company log onto the Registry’s website at
Information available on the website includes:
- your holdings balance;
- your transaction history;
- payments and tax information; and
- communications details.
How do I make an investment in the Fund?
Investors can apply for units through the ASX's mFund settlement service by placing a buy order for units with their broker (ASX code: PLM01). Investors will settle their trade via the ASX CHESS settlement service.
How do I sell my investment?
Investors can request a withdrawal of units through the ASX's mFund settlement service by placing a sell order with their broker. Investors will receive the proceeds from the withdrawal of their Units via the ASX CHESS settlement service.
Changing your details - To amend your details you can either inform your broker, or you can contact the Unit Registry directly.
Account details that can be instructed via your broker are:
- postal address;
- change of name;
- correspondence method;
- email address; and
- bank account.
Account details that can be instructed via the Unit Registry (via the Unit Registry's website - see below) are:
- correspondence method;
- email address;
- bank account; and
- distribution election.
These forms are for Investors who applied to the Platinum Global Fund via the mFund settlement service.