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Platinum European Fund

A diversified portfolio of European companies across industry sectors, the fund offers investors exposure to undervalued businesses in both the developed economies of Western Europe and Eastern Europe’s emerging markets.

Fund assets A$277.2m^ As at 30 Jun 2024

Inception date 30 Jun 1998

Return 10.2% p.a.* Compound since inception

Investment Objective


Investment Objective

To provide capital growth over the long term by investing in undervalued companies in the European region.

Investment Strategy

The Platinum European Fund primarily invests in listed securities of European companies. The portfolio will ideally consist of 30 to 80 securities that Platinum believes to be undervalued by the market. Cash may be held when undervalued securities cannot be found. However, the portfolio typically has 50% or more net equity exposure. Platinum may short-sell securities that it considers overvalued.

The fund’s key investment guidelines are summarised below. For further details, please refer to the latest Product Disclosure Statement.

*Source: Platinum. The return is calculated using the net asset value per unit of C Class. It is net of accrued fees and costs, pre-tax, and assumes the reinvestment of distributions. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


Latest Fund Information

Quarterly Investment Manager's Report

June 2024

Monthly Investment Update

June 2024

Distribution & Tax Statement

June 2024

Financial Statements

June 2023


1m 3m 6m 1yr 2yr p.a. 3yr p.a. 5yr p.a. 10yr p.a. Since inception p.a. Inception date Portfolio value A$mil
Platinum European Fund - C Class -3.59 -3.30 2.73 3.30 11.68 3.35 4.35 7.31 10.21 30 Jun 1998 274.10
Platinum European Fund - P Class -3.57 -3.25 2.84 3.55 11.96 3.60 4.61 - 5.48 03 Jul 2017 3.10
MSCI AC Europe Net Index in A$ -2.62 -1.64 8.26 11.61 18.62 7.22 7.63 7.50 4.05 30 Jun 1998 -

As at 30 June 2024.

Source: Platinum for fund returns and Rimes Technologies Inc. for index returns. Fund returns are net of accrued fees and costs, pre-tax, and assume the reinvestment of distributions. Returns in the line graph are cumulative assuming an initial investment of $20,000. All "p.a." returns are annualised. Historical performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Platinum does not invest by reference to the weightings of the index and the fund’s holdings may vary considerably to the make-up of the index. The index is provided as a reference only. All data where MSCI is referenced is the property of MSCI Inc. No use or distribution of this data is permitted without the written consent of MSCI Inc. The data is provided “as is” without any warranties by MSCI Inc. MSCI Inc. assumes no liability for or in connection with this data. See Terms and Conditions for full MSCI disclaimer.


Unit Price & Distributions History

Unit Price History

Date Entry (A$) NAV per unit (A$) Exit (A$)
25 Jul 2024 3.3618 3.3551 3.3483
24 Jul 2024 3.3622 3.3555 3.3487
23 Jul 2024 3.3656 3.3589 3.3521
22 Jul 2024 3.3558 3.3491 3.3424
19 Jul 2024 3.3242 3.3176 3.3109
18 Jul 2024 3.3437 3.3370 3.3303
17 Jul 2024 3.3486 3.3419 3.3352
16 Jul 2024 3.3506 3.3439 3.3372
15 Jul 2024 3.3355 3.3288 3.3221
12 Jul 2024 3.3400 3.3333 3.3266
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Learn more about unit pricing dates
Platinum uses a forward pricing methodology. Applications for investment in the fund received and identified (and accepted by us) by 3:00 pm (AEST) on a Business Day are processed with an entry price calculated for that Business Day. Applications received and indentified (and accepted by us) after 3:00pm AEST on a Business Day (but by the next cut-off time) will generally be processed using the entry price calculated for the next Business Day.
Standard Pricing Timeline
Where a withdrawal/application request is accepted by us by 3pm AEST on a Business Day, we will generally process those trades with an exit/entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on the trade acceptance date.
For example, where an investor has deposited monies and we have accepted their completed Application Form with the necessary supporting documentation by 3pm, Tuesday 5 December 2023, the application will generally receive the entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on Tuesday 5 December 2023. Withdrawal requests are processed in the same manner.
Public Holiday Pricing
Where a withdrawal/application request is accepted by us by 3pm AEST on a Business Day which falls prior to a public holiday, we will generally process those trades with an exit/entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on the trade acceptance date.
For example, where an investor has deposited monies and we have accepted their completed Application Form with the necessary supporting documentation by 3pm on Friday 29 September 2023, the Business Day prior to the Labour Day holiday, the application will generally receive the entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on Friday 29 September 2023. Withdrawal requests are processed in the same manner.
Unit prices are updated on our website at approximately 5:30 pm AEST each Business Day.
Please refer to ‘Manage your Investment’ for how to apply for units and make withdrawals.
Date Entry (A$) NAV per unit (A$) Exit (A$)
25 Jul 2024 0.9486 0.9467 0.9448
24 Jul 2024 0.9487 0.9468 0.9449
23 Jul 2024 0.9496 0.9477 0.9458
22 Jul 2024 0.9468 0.9449 0.9430
19 Jul 2024 0.9379 0.9360 0.9341
18 Jul 2024 0.9434 0.9415 0.9396
17 Jul 2024 0.9448 0.9429 0.9410
16 Jul 2024 0.9453 0.9434 0.9415
15 Jul 2024 0.9411 0.9392 0.9373
12 Jul 2024 0.9423 0.9404 0.9385
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Learn more about unit pricing dates
Platinum uses a forward pricing methodology. Applications for investment in the fund received and identified (and accepted by us) by 3:00 pm (AEST) on a Business Day are processed with an entry price calculated for that Business Day. Applications received and indentified (and accepted by us) after 3:00pm AEST on a Business Day (but by the next cut-off time) will generally be processed using the entry price calculated for the next Business Day.
Standard Pricing Timeline
Where a withdrawal/application request is accepted by us by 3pm AEST on a Business Day, we will generally process those trades with an exit/entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on the trade acceptance date.
For example, where an investor has deposited monies and we have accepted their completed Application Form with the necessary supporting documentation by 3pm, Tuesday 5 December 2023, the application will generally receive the entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on Tuesday 5 December 2023. Withdrawal requests are processed in the same manner.
Public Holiday Pricing
Where a withdrawal/application request is accepted by us by 3pm AEST on a Business Day which falls prior to a public holiday, we will generally process those trades with an exit/entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on the trade acceptance date.
For example, where an investor has deposited monies and we have accepted their completed Application Form with the necessary supporting documentation by 3pm on Friday 29 September 2023, the Business Day prior to the Labour Day holiday, the application will generally receive the entry price calculated by reference to closing prices of global equity markets on Friday 29 September 2023. Withdrawal requests are processed in the same manner.
Unit prices are updated on our website at approximately 5:30 pm AEST each Business Day.
Please refer to ‘Manage your Investment’ for how to apply for units and make withdrawals.

Distribution History

Date Distribution
(A$ per unit)
price (A$)
30 Jun 2024 0.096822 3.2573 Download
30 Jun 2023 0.045008 3.2470 Download
30 Jun 2022 0.396926 2.7265 Download
30 Jun 2021 0.253621 3.5292 Download
30 Jun 2020 0.093170 2.9982 Download
30 Jun 2019 0.232025 3.4800 Download
30 Jun 2018 0.274943 3.6555 Download
30 Jun 2017 0.176319 3.3823 Download
30 Jun 2016 0.071173 2.7703 Download
30 Jun 2015 0.022802 3.0397 Download

The distributions shown above are historical and no warranty can be given for future distributions.

The fund may earn income (such as dividends and interest) from its investments and may also realise capital gains or losses on the sale of its investments. Income and net realised capital gains are distributed to unitholders annually as at 30 June. The components of the distribution will vary from year to year, the details of which are set out in the annual distribution and tax statements provided to unitholders. There may also be times when no distribution is payable.

Distributions are calculated in dollars-per-unit on the number of units held by a unitholder as at the end of the distribution date. This means that a unitholder’s distribution entitlement from the fund is not pro-rated for the duration of the unitholder’s investment in the fund during the tax year.

When a distribution is made, the unit price will fully reflect the distribution.

Unitholders will generally receive their entitlement (if payable) within 15 Business Days after the distribution date.

Unitholders may elect to have their distribution entitlement:
  • reinvested as additional units in the same unit class of the fund;
  • paid into the unitholder’s nominated financial institution account; or
  • fixed cash distribution option, currently set at 4% per annum
If no election is made, the unitholder’s distribution entitlement will be automatically reinvested. Additional units will be issued at the net asset value unit price on the relevant Business Day, and the buy spread will not apply.

Visit Manage your Investment to change your distribution election.
Date Distribution
(A$ per unit)
price (A$)
30 Jun 2024 0.032034 0.9189 Download
30 Jun 2023 0.018738 0.9183 Download
30 Jun 2022 0.121026 0.7741 Download
30 Jun 2021 0.079820 1.0089 Download
30 Jun 2020 0.033738 0.8607 Download
30 Jun 2019 0.069858 1.0044 Download
30 Jun 2018 0.083715 1.0552 Download

The distributions shown above are historical and no warranty can be given for future distributions.

The fund may earn income (such as dividends and interest) from its investments and may also realise capital gains or losses on the sale of its investments. Income and net realised capital gains are distributed to unitholders annually as at 30 June. The components of the distribution will vary from year to year, the details of which are set out in the annual distribution and tax statements provided to unitholders. There may also be times when no distribution is payable.

Distributions are calculated in dollars-per-unit on the number of units held by a unitholder as at the end of the distribution date. This means that a unitholder’s distribution entitlement from the fund is not pro-rated for the duration of the unitholder’s investment in the fund during the tax year.

When a distribution is made, the unit price will fully reflect the distribution.

Unitholders will generally receive their entitlement (if payable) within 15 Business Days after the distribution date.

Unitholders may elect to have their distribution entitlement:
  • reinvested as additional units in the same unit class of the fund;
  • paid into the unitholder’s nominated financial institution account; or
  • fixed cash distribution option, currently set at 4% per annum
If no election is made, the unitholder’s distribution entitlement will be automatically reinvested. Additional units will be issued at the net asset value unit price on the relevant Business Day, and the buy spread will not apply.

Visit Manage your Investment to change your distribution election.


Fund Facts


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Name Platinum European Fund
ARSN 089 528 594
Legal Structure Unlisted, open-ended unit trust
Unit Classes C Class ‘Standard Fee’ / P Class ‘Performance Fee’
Distribution Annually at 30 June
Minimum Investments A$10,000 or NZ$10,000
A$5,000 or NZ$5,000 under regular investment plan
How to Invest & Transact Download Invest & Transact PDF
Buy/Sell Spread 0.20% / 0.20% of NAV unit price
Management Costs C Class Standard fee option: 1.35% p.a. of NAV
P Class Performance fee option: 1.10% p.a. of NAV plus 15% p.a. of outperformance over benchmark
For more information about fees and costs: Download Fees & Costs PDF
Offer Document Download Product Disclosure Statement or request a free hard copy
Continuous Disclosure Download Continuous Disclosure PDF

Ready to Invest with Platinum?



These forms are intended for Australian and New Zealand residents.

If you are not a resident in Australia or New Zealand, contact us to find out whether you are eligible to invest in the fund.

Make an initial investment (new account)
Make an additional investment (existing account)
Update my details
Set up, amend or cancel a regular investment plan (AU only)
Set up, amend or cancel a regular investment plan (NZ only)
Switch an investment
Transfer an investment
Withdraw an investment
Authorise someone to access my account (individual representative)
Authorise someone to access my account (corporate representative)
Register for secure online access
Change my distribution election


The Team Behind Your Investments

Adrian Cotiga

Portfolio Manager – European strategies

View profile



The portfolio holdings are not published in full for the Fund, however, the latest Monthly Update is available at the following link and provides details of the invested position, top ten stock positions and industry breakdown
The Fund aims to provide capital growth over the long-term by investing in undervalued companies in the European region.
The Funds may utilise currency hedging strategies (foreign exchange forwards, swaps, non-deliverable forwards, currency options and spot foreign exchange trades) to hedge the positions in the portfolio at the Fund Manager’s discretion.
The Fund may earn income (such as dividends and interest) throughout the financial year and may also realise capital gains or losses on the sale of investments. Income and net realised capital gains will be distributed to Investors annually as at 30 June.
Please note that the level of income can vary significantly from year to year as this is primarily influenced by the realised gains made (on equities and derivative contracts) within a Fund.

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