Why investing in the energy transition is not just about renewables
The energy transition designed to decarbonise the world is well underway but it’s becoming...
Video - Energy Utilities Leading Disruption in Carbon Transition
The energy utilities sector is facing enormous challenges over the coming decades as we undertake...
Funds in Focus: Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund)
In the second of our 2023 Funds in Focus adviser webinar series, portfolio managers Jodie Bannan...
Why Today's Headwinds Have Accelerated a Multi-Generational Shift
The energy transition is rapidly accelerating. Portfolio managers Jodie Bannan and Liam Farlow...
Video – Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed Hedge Fund) Launched Today
Platinum is excited to announce the launch of the Platinum Global Transition Fund (Quoted Managed...
Video – Batteries Enabling the Energy Transition
The world is embarking on a massive change in the way we produce and consume energy, requiring...
Investing for a Better Tomorrow
The world economy emits around 50 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gases (GHGs) every...
Why ‘Negative Screens’ are Bad ESG
In what has been cast as a win for the ESG movement, in August 2021, BHP announced it was selling...
Video – The Role of Mining in a Decarbonising World
ESG and mining is set to be one of the big stories over the next decade. Investment specialist...
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