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Search results: Articles tagged with 'AI'

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
watch | 31 May 2024

International and Asia ‘Fund in Focus’ Webinar

A look at the performance and outlook for Platinum's Asia and International Funds

listen | 13 Jul 2023

Macro Overview: Lots of Excitement in Markets, But Price Always Matters

2023 is certainly not playing out as expected in the markets. CEO and Co-CIO Andrew Clifford sat...

watch | 16 Jun 2023

Funds in Focus: Platinum International Health Care Fund

In the third of our 2023 Funds in Focus adviser webinar series, portfolio manager Dr Bianca Ogden...

watch | 26 May 2023

Video – Finding Value in the Much-Hyped AI Space

Artificial intelligence has certainly captured everyone’s attention of late. While there has been...

watch | 4 Nov 2021

Video: One-on-One with Dr Bianca Ogden

In a follow-up to her recent white paper on the future of the biotech sector, our resident...

read | 30 Sep 2021

Biotech: Driving Another Decade of Change in Healthcare

COVID-19 has placed the healthcare sector front and centre in all our minds. The development of a...